
Please Live’s Love Life Ministries is covered by Please Live’s 501©3 tax exempt status. All donations made to Love Life Ministries are tax deductible.

If you would like to make a donation to the Love Life Ministries branch, please utilize one of the following methods:

1. Mail a Check or Money Order
Write the check out to either “Please Live” or “Please Live’s Love Life Ministries”. Write “Love Life Ministries” or “LLM” in the Memo Line of the check.
Mail to:

Love Life Ministries
c/o Please Live
PO Box 1281
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

2. Cash Donations
Cash donations can be sent to the above mailing address. Please include a note with your name and address and a clear indication that the donation is going towards the Love Life Ministries branch of Please Live.

3. Paypal-Secured Online Donations
Click the button below to make a secure donation through Paypal. When making the donation, please include a note specifying that you want this money to be used towards Love Life Ministries.

4. Fundraisers
Throughout the year we host fundraisers specifically to benefit Love Life Ministries. Keep an eye on our social media sites to learn more as fundraisers become available!